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Things have been moving apace at Sixways Stadium over the last few days; or at least the publicly available information has been increasing rapidly. In actual fact it transpires that extremely hard work has been ongoing behind closed doors, with a minimum of fuss, for many months. WWST has been following developments with much interest, safe in the knowledge that our new ownership and the Sixways team has, all along, stuck rigidly to their goal of returning elite level rugby to Worcester. This goal appears tantalisingly closer thanks to press and website announcements emanating from WR3 8ZE.

Let's have a look at those announcements in more detail:

24th September 2024

Precisely two years to the day after Worcester Warriors' celebrated final game against Newcastle Falcons, the team at Sixways Stadium, headed by stalwarts Laura Napper (Commercial Director) and Beth Reader (Operations Director), paraded both a new logo and website for their stadium business. The accompanying press release was suitably upbeat and engendered a sense of confidence for the future at Sixways:

Acknowledging a challenging few years and now looking to the future, Sixways Operations Director Beth Reader added: “After the numerous challenges of recent years, the team here at Sixways is focussed on rebuilding a financially secure and sustainable business. Launching the new Sixways logo alongside a slick new website is a real statement of intent and a giant leap forward for the business.” Andy Thornley, HTDL Creative and Managing Director said: “It’s obvious from speaking to the team at Sixways that they have a laser focus on the future, and the launch of a new website and a new logo is just the start of things to come.” To access Sixways’ new-look website, please visit

25th September 2024

A multitude of sporting, news and financial journalists, as well as many social media advocates, jumped on the bandwagon after a publicly available pre-planning screening document from the Wychavon planning portal was posted on the Worcester Warriors fan's forum. This complex and highly professional document, produced by engineering and environmental design consultants BWB, consists of 124 pages and even this correspondent has not had the time nor energy to fully absorb it as yet. However a few key extracts are as follows:

"The stadium and its current amenities are falling way short of its potential as a community asset. The goal is to restore elite rugby to Worcester Warriors whilst creating a destination venue for sport, entertainment health and wellbeing. A development that compliments and expands the uses currently present on site; maximising local community engagement and extending access to the surrounding region.

The Proposed Development at Sixways Stadium is designed to bring substantial benefits to the local community through several key features:

• Improved Sporting and Recreational Facilities: The refurbishment of existing stadium facilities, the construction of new stands, a hotel, medical/sports rehabilitation/research/office accommodation, and a sports rehabilitation centre will provide modern, comprehensive amenities for both local residents and visitors. This transformation aims to restore Worcester Warriors to prominence and establish the venue as a premier destination for sports and entertainment, fostering community pride and engagement.

• Economic Growth: The Proposals will stimulate the local economy by creating jobs during the construction and operational phases. The new hotel, retail units, and enhanced sporting facilities are expected to attract more visitors to the area, boosting local businesses and generating revenue for the community.

• Health and Wellbeing: The inclusion of medical/sports rehabilitation/research/office accommodation will offer significant health benefits, providing services that cater to both athletes and the general public. This facility will promote health and wellbeing within the community, encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle.

• Community Engagement: By collaborating with local stakeholders and the current leaseholder, the development ensures that the project aligns with the needs and aspirations of the local community. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of ownership and connection among residents."

The Proposed Development is committed to preserving and enhancing local wildlife and achieving Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) through various strategies:

• Retention and Enhancement of Habitats: Existing mature hedgerows, trees, and boundary vegetation will be preserved and supplemented with additional native planting. This approach enhances habitat connectivity and provides vital resources for local wildlife, supporting a diverse range of species.

• Creation of New Habitats: The development will include dedicated areas for ecological enhancement, such as flood zone mitigation areas designed to support local biodiversity. These zones will be carefully managed to create thriving habitats for flora and fauna.

• Minimising Habitat Disturbance: The design of the solar farm ensures minimal physical disturbance to the land. Solar panels will be mounted on posts, allowing natural vegetation to grow beneath and around the panels. This setup supports both agricultural use (such as sheep grazing) and wildlife habitation, fostering a harmonious coexistence between energy production and nature.

• Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) Strategies: The project includes a series of objectives and management operations aimed at enhancing biodiversity. These measures will be detailed in the Ecological Impact Assessment, which will guide the implementation of targeted species surveys and habitat management plans to ensure positive outcomes for local ecosystems. The solar farm component of the Proposed Development plays a critical role in contributing to renewable energy targets and promoting sustainability."

The full document can be found here. You may wish to look at the full colour site plan on Page 45.

25th September 2024

Just a day after the release of the new Sixways Stadium Website we also saw an updated holding page on the official Warriors website. For over a year we have been subjected to the threat of contracting Disco Fever on June 24th but, at long last, the wait to re-engage with our rugby club may soon be over.... in an online sense at least.



This week has perhaps been the most significantly positive week for the prospect of a return for our club since the Supporters Trust was formed. We very much hope this positivity continues and radiates outwards not just to our local rugby community but to our city and county. Goodness knows - we've waited long enough.

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Unknown member
Sep 27, 2024

I have to admit that I am a bit of a scinic, and it all sounds great... but, sometimes seeing is believing.


Unknown member
Sep 27, 2024

I wonder which season this will be ready and safe for the return of rugby and fans?

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